Cypress Creek Water Treatment Plant
Florence Water & Wastewater Department
Lauderdale County, Alabama
Robert Pride assisted as Project Engineer during the design, and served as lead Project Manager for construction of the Cypress Creek Water Treatment Plant Improvements in Florence, Alabama. The existing 16 mgd conventional surface water treatment plant was upgraded significantly. In general, the scope of the project included:
- A new dual chambered rapid mix and flow splitting structure.
- Influent metering.
- Two flocculation basins.
- A new sedimentation basin.
- Retrofitting an existing abandoned building for a new Pre-Chemical Feed Facility (alum, lime, and polymer).
- A new Post-Chemical Building for chlorine, post-lime addition (silo) and bulk fluoride.
- 1 million gallon prestressed concrete clearwell.
- New finished water metering pit and distribution mains.
- Extensive site demolition and site/yard piping improvements.
- Associated electrical improvements.
- New instrumentation, controls, and SCADA system.
- Upgrades and renovations to the existing laboratory and administrative facilities.