Lagoon Systems
Various Clients
Various Locations
Engineers of the South has a wide array of wastewater treatment experience from decentralized wastewater systems to large municipal biological nutrient removal facilities. We also have a great deal of experience with lagoon systems and understand the unique challenges and capabilities of a lagoon wastewater treatment system.
Engineers of the South has provided engineering compliance plans for several lagoon systems that were out of compliance with their discharge permits, including:
- ALDOT I-59 Welcome Center Lagoon
- Mt. Hope Lagoon
- City of Livingston Lagoon
- Eutaw Lagoon
- Bottenfield School Lagoon
- St. Clair Health Center Lagoon
- El Reposo Lagoon
- Hatton School Lagoon
- Susan Moore High School Lagoon
- Sweetwater School Lagoon
- Southeastern School Lagoon
Engineers of the South takes pride in finding innovative and cost effective solutions to wastewater treatment problems. A couple of examples are the Southeastern School Lagoon and the Mt. Hope School lagoon.
The Southeastern School lagoon in Blount County was cited by ADEM for being out of compliance for 22 separate events over a 28 month period in 2006 and 2007. In addition, the Blount County Board of Education was facing more stringent limits including an effluent CBOD5 limit of 10 mg/l (monthly average) and an ammonia-nitrogen limit of 2.5 mg/l (monthly average). EOS provided the design of a unique aerated rock filter in the second cell of the three cell system. The rock filter utilized an engineer-selected rock media with a diffused air system embedded in the media. The system only required a 4 HP blower in lieu of a more conventional design that would have required roughly 20 HP of mechanical equipment.
The aerated rock filter offered significant savings in both capital and ongoing operations cost. The system installation was completed in mid 2008 and has been well under all permit parameters since.
The Lawrence County Board of Education was issued a Consent Order for the Mt. Hope lagoon in 2008. The wastewater treatment facility had permit excursions primarily related to total ammonia nitrogen (as N) and CBOD (5 day). There had also been several permit excursions related to fecal coliform. There were a total of 33 permit excursions for the period between September 2005 and July 2008.
The limits for the Mt. Hope lagoon are especially difficult with seasonal limits for effluent CBOD5 limit of 7.5 mg/l (monthly average) and an ammonia-nitrogen limit of 1.2 mg/l (monthly average). As with the Southeastern lagoon, EOS designed an aerated rock filter followed by a dosed, passive sand filter. The system produces an exceptional quality effluent that meets these extraordinarily tight limits.